(262) 820-9984 [email protected]

Coronavirus (Covid-19) Protocols


Please read the health screening questions here.
If the screening is negative (no illness), the in-person lesson will remain scheduled.
If the screening is positive (signs of illness), the in-person lesson will not take place. A virtual lesson will be offered in it’s place for that week.

Procedures for in-person lessons:

    1. When you arrive at Music Dynamics Studio of Music Arts, remain in your vehicle. The waiting room and bathroom are closed. Your teacher will let you in the door. Parents may attend the lesson with their child according to arrangements made with the instructor or wait in the car.
    2. Masks must be worn at all times while in the Music Dynamics Studio of the Musical Arts.
    3. The screening questions will be briefly covered again and the instructor may wish to take your temperature. Then you can go with your teacher to their lesson room.
    4. Upon arriving inside the building, use the hand sanitizer at the door to sanitize your hands.
    5. Once in the lesson room, the student or parent will be expected to set up the student’s gear and books. The student should bring their own pencil and notebook. There will not be writing in notebooks by the instructor and students will not have access to pencils in the room.
    6. Once set up, sanitize hands again before touching the instrument.
    7. When the lesson has concluded, student and parent will pack up gear and sanitize hands one more time before leaving the studio room and facility.
    8. The studio room will be sanitized in between each student and each instructor will allow extra time in between scheduled lessons to allow the air handling system to circulate and exchange the air in the room.

Please note: if a student comes to a lesson without a mask, is unwilling to follow the safety measures or exhibits signs of illness during the lesson, the instructor will immediately end the lesson and dismiss the student. This means that parents should not leave the Music Dynamics parking lot to run errands while their child is in lessons. There is no waiting area available and the student may need to leave the lesson early.

The following protocols have been put in place in order to offer lessons in person:

  • Carpeting has been thoroughly vacuumed, cleaned and disinfected with a SAS1000 alcohol solution.
  • All door handles and light switches are cleaned with soap & water and disinfected. Disinfectant will be used every two weeks, otherwise, soap and water will be used daily.
  • All the furniture and paper products have been removed from the waiting room and hallway.
  • The bathroom is sanitized daily and available to instructors only.
  • The HVAC filters have been changed and have a MERV rating of 11, which is according to state codes.
  • The overhead door and the front door will be left open for a short time on a daily basis to allow for fresh air to circulate throughout the studio.
  • The studio rooms are all large enough to facilitate safe physical spacing between student and teacher.